Dungeon Monitor training by 15 Association | Transform1060 Dungeon Monitor training by 15 Association | Transform1060

Dungeon Monitor training by 15 Association

This DM training is being offered by The 15 Association, but is open to EVERYONE of all genders and gender histories. While some of the information  is specific to The 15 Association, the class focuses on basics and safety applicable to many organizations and events! This class is FREE. 

Dungeon Monitors are important for our play parties as they ensure the safety and operations of our play space. In order to be a 15 Association Dungeon Monitor, you need to take a training session and shadow a DM during play party. Other organizations may have different requirements, but many also accept this class — check with your organization if you are unsure.  We will cover some basics on how to be a DM and safety on some activities.


Sep 16 2023


1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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